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Causes of Heart Diseases

The world statistics on heart disease are alarming and it is only right to know how and under what conditions you can get heart disease. About 17 million people die of cardiovascular diseases, particularly heart attacks and strokes. The global epidemic of this disease is so high that taking precautions is the need of the day. Let's find out how one gets heart disease or what is the cause of heart diseases so that we can help ourselves to avoid them.


Family History

Heart diseases that run in the family can affect you; genetic factors play some role in high blood pressure, heart disease, and other vascular conditions. There is also a possibility that people with a family history of heart disease share some common environmental and risk factors which can contribute to the risk.

Cigarette Smoking

Smokers are at a higher risk of developing atherosclerosis, it is the buildup of fatty substances within the coronary arteries of the human heart. This is the main reason why we get so many deaths due to smoking. It also increases blood pressure, decreases tolerance for exercises, and also increases the blood clotting possibility.

High Blood Pressure

Also known as hypertension, it causes the heart to work harder so as to overcome the resistance within the walls to pump an efficient amount of blood to the body. One can develop this artery disease due to stress high blood pressure places there. This increases the chances of a heart stroke.


Diabetes is another cause that increases an individual’s risk for developing heart disease; it is a fact that death rates are two to four times higher in individuals suffering from diabetes. Many diabetes patients have heart diseases at an early age, and for those who are middle-aged with type 2 diabetes have a heart attack may be as high as someone without diabetes who has already had one heart attack.

High Blood Cholesterol

This waxy fat-like substance builds within the arterial walls of the heart. The cholesterol as forms of plaque and causes the artery to narrow and harden. This condition occurs when the plaque accumulates to that point that there is a blockage and the blood supply to the heart diminishes. It can definitely cause a heart stroke.


If you or your relative or any of your close ones have any problem related to heart or cholesterol then he must take a mixture of ginger, garlic, lemon, honey, and apple cider vinegar to treat it. It is a traditional tonic which is given by Mohammad Paigambar to his followers. It is his secret formula which is still used by Arab countries but it is not known and famous in India.

According to the Times of India report, about 60% of death in India happens due to Heart Attack. With this natural tonic, 90% of blockage can be reduced in 6 months. For people who have already gone through Angioplasty, there will be very less chances to get back the blockage again. In India, the total expenses of Angioplasty are about 2 to 5 lakhs. After the operation the body becomes weak and the medicines give a bad effect on the liver and kidney. If you have a problem with high cholesterol levels then you should take this tonic for at least 3 to 4 months in a year.

This natural traditional tonic detoxifies the body, reduces the pain, maintains the blood pressure level, and reduces the weight. If you face difficulty in extracting the ginger-garlic juice then you can buy this tonic from Herbal Daily site Call on 0294 – 2980185 for consulting with doctor regarding health-related issues.

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